30 August 2011

Do you have....SHINY!!!!!!!!!.....ADD??

So that first week of classes has gone by. You know, the one where the teacher has to go over the syllabus EVERY FUCKING CLASS cause some stupid asshole has beeswax in his ear/is glued to his fucking phone (probably both). I CANNOT TELL YOU how many people ask the same questions FIVE MINUTES after the teacher answered it. God. We are in college people, that means you ACTUALLY HAVE TO LISTEN.

So once again typing this from the coffee shop down the street cause I STILL have no internet. Hanging out in the red and white striped shorts with stars and what looks like the target symbol:
Also yes, I did find it necessary to take a picture to show you my shorts. Otherwise how else would you be able to appreciate the awesomeness that is my shorts?

You know what is annoying? Those people that post comments on shit that are depressing. Like my friend’s status was “In case anyone thinks they have the best dad in the world……they’re wrong. [His dad] FTW" and some guy commented with “I know I don’t :P” It's the kind where you sit and stare for a minute, then decide whether or not to ignore it and comment or just screw it altogether. And you have to ask yourself IS THAT REALLY NECESSARY. If you got problems with your parents that’s all good, a lot of people do. But I don’t think you really need to post it ON SOMEONE ELSE’S FUCKING STATUS. That’s like the people who comment on your status/post and it has NOTHING to do with the status. Such as “OMG THIS PUDDING IS FUCKING AMAZING BEST PUDDING OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIIFE” and someone says “Oh hey did you get those notes from bio today?” IT’S CALLED A WALL FUCKING COMMENT THERE. God. Pudding and bio notes have nothing in common.

Today I read that Michele Bachmann wants to GET RID OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. http://tinyurl.com/3pzn72l This is also the same bitch who said that carbon dioxide has NOT BEEN PROVEN TO BE HARMFUL. Seriously. Did you go to college? Do you read the news? IT'S BASIC. FUCKING. SCIENCE. And it's not even that it's harmful, just the fact that massive amounts of it are harmful to human life.

Let me give you a quick, simple run down. Carbon dioxide along with other green house gases are what help trap heat/energy from the sun in our atmosphere. Otherwise we would all be popsicles and basically non-existent (which I guess makes being popsicles irrelevant). This in turn is reflected back to the surface where we can all bathe in it and go YAAAAAAAAAAAY WE ARE LIFE! (not alive, but life). Now normally, many forms of carbon are stored within the Earth (like rocks, the ocean, plants, more rocks, volcanoes, the atmosphere, some more ocean) and released with different events. While some is released, more is stored. It is relatively balanced, but over millions of years there are of course fluctuations. What we are doing is taking a fucking butt ton of carbon and releasing it into the atmosphere.

So now, instead of just the natural amount of CO2 (and other GHG) reflecting heat, there is a MASSIVE AMOUNT THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE ON THE PLANET or so it is thought.
The yellow line stretches the whole graph, and shows that even the highest peaks of CO2 have been NO WHERE NEAR what they are today. Scary shit.

She also says that the EPA is "job-killing" (because nothing else is) and comments on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:
"With untapped oil reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and off the nation's coasts, shale oil in Western states, and rich natural gas and coal deposits, she said the U.S. "is sitting on a mother lode of treasure." As president, Bachmann said she would unlock those resources and eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency."

Why are these people allowed to run for president? I mean, shouldn't the president UNDERSTAND BASIC. FUCKING. SCIENCE?!?!?!

And now that that's said and done (just kidding, it'll be another 2 years) I will be doing my math homework now. Peace out peeps

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