31 August 2011

The crowd gathers, awaiting the news.....

Alright so just a quick post from the school library before I head off to class (yay for biology!). I thought I would UPDATE everyone on something VERY awesome that I've been waiting on for a while now.

Remember those hormones I was talking about? The ones I want to take? AND HOW I CAN'T WAIT?! WELL. I had called a therapist from back home a few weeks ago, but she was on vaca. So I left her a nice little voicemail and unsure if I had to use my legal name or not, stated that my name was Amanda and that I was interested in talking with her. She calls me back yesterday, and the first thing she asks is if 'Amanda' is what I prefer or if there was something else that I wanted to be called. FUCKING B-E-A-UUUUUUUUTIFUL. I was hoping she could at least give me information on a person out in this area, BUT IT GOT EVEN. FUCKING. BETTER. She says she works with 'out-of-towners' and would love to set up something for me! She has worked with transgendered people for the last 20 or so years and this is something she has HELLA experience with. SO. My first appointment is in two weeks!!!

"WHAT DOES IT MEAN THOUGH?!?!?!?!" the crowd shouts, hungrily awaiting their answer.

WHAT IT MEANS IS after a few sessions/3 months she can write me a letter that states I am ready to undergo hormone treatment. I can then take that to an endocrinologist who can prescribe me hormones and keep track of my doses and all that good junk. It means I can finally do something that I've been waiting for for a very long time. It means that the person I feel like on the inside and finally be reflected even better on the outside. IT MEANS THAT THIS IS FUCKING AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I should probably stop hogging the computer (for now). I plan writing another post about testosterone and how it affects your body and how the whole HRT thing works. If anyone EVER has any questions about transgendered related things (surgery, hormones, transitioning) OR about science please email me at aestorvick@gmail.com : D

And with that, I hope you get some fabulous news coming to you soon!!


  1. duuuuuuuuude so exciting!!!!

    looove Jenny

  2. I tried to say something to you. I lost it. Good luck, man! And get rid of those boobs! (I'd take them if I could) <3


  3. Hahaha thanks you guyyyys and Caty I wish you could!!! <3
